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Devil May Cry Hd Collection Cheats Ps3l


Been looking for a list of where to find Devil May Cry HD Collection cheats on the PS3? Well, you've come to the right place. With this article, you'll know exactly where to find all the Devil May Cry cheats in order for DMC HD collection on your PlayStation 3! You can find all kinds of info here. From getting unlimited Red Orbs in the game by just entering one code to how many times that certain move can be used in total. First let's start off with the code. Enter one of the following codes to activate the cheat function. Just enter the code for the cheat you wish to use and press X, Y, R1, R2, L1, L2 on your Playstation 3 controller at the same time(!) Press Triangle to enable it. Show / Hide the Devil Trigger Cutscenes: Hold L2 + R2 + Square(3) + L1(3) Moves for Dante: Hold R1 + R2 + Square to Shoot Laser from Eyes Press Triangle to use Sword Gauntlets Hold L1+X to use Gilgamesh Press X to use Osiris Press X  + X  to use Eryx Press Triangle to Lv 2 Shoot from Eyes Hold L1 +  R1  + Square  + R2   *Shoots orbs in Dantes face* Hold L2~L1 ~ Control Stick Down ~ Up / Left/Right/Down/Up   *Dante does a spinning slash that. Basically, it has 3 variations. It can be used to do damage directly to enemies, to help Dante dodge attacks or it can even be used to send enemies flying* Songs for Dante: Hold R2 + Square  + L1  + Triangle  to start up Volume On Hold Triangle + R1 + L2 + Circle to unlock song for all 6 characters Press Up/Right/Down/Left/Right on D-Pad (Sixth Player) Press Left(Three) / Right(Four) / Up(Five) / Down(Sixth Player)Circle/Square/Triangle only works in sixth player mode, 3x each song.   Basically, this allows you to listen to songs from Devil May Cry 3, 4 and DMC 1. This is pretty much just a way to have the characters dance around the screen. Unlock Second Style for Dante: Hold Triangle + R1 + L2 + Circle  to unlock style 2 for all 6 characters Press Up/Down/Left/Right on Control Pad (Sixth Player) Just press L1(Four) / R1(Five) /Triangle(Sixth Player) Circle/Square/Triangle only works in sixth player mode, 2x each style. This allows you to use a different set of moves from Dante's second style from Devil May Cry 3. eccc085e13

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